


El asilo está basado en el miedo que una persona indocumentada tiene de regresar a su país debido al haber sido víctima de persecución o que temer ser perseguido a causa de su raza, religión, nacionalidad, o pertenencia a determinado grupo social u opinión política. El temor puede estar basado, por ejemplo, en un acto de violencia, extorción, amenazas, o atentos de daños físicos o de muerte. Está basado también en el hecho de que la persona que ha sufrido un daño o amenaza no encuentra refugio o ayuda del gobierno de su país.


El asilo se debe solicitar dentro de un año de haber entrado a los E.E.U.U. Si es detenido en la frontera someterá su aplicación directamente a la corte de inmigración para que el juez decida su caso. Si no es detenido o si hace más de un año que entro a los E.E.U.U. someterá su aplicación a la oficina de inmigración y ciudadanía y tendrá una entrevista en persona para comprobar las alegaciones. Si entro los E.E.U.U. hace más de un año, puede aplicar para asilo y tendrá que demostrar un cambio de circunstancias en el país de origen que afecta su elegibilidad para asilo. O, puede demonstrar circunstancias extraordinarias relacionadas al retraso en su aplicación – como por ejemplo algún evento que le hizo imposible someter su aplicación a tiempo.


Usted puede ser elegible para la retención de la expulsión (Withholding of Removal), para parrar su deportación. La retención de expulsión no otorga ningún beneficio de inmigración – como una residencia o permiso de trabajo – pero si retiene la deportación. Este beneficio se puede solicitar en la misma aplicación para Asilo.


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Have questions about your rights? Ready to discuss your
immigration case? Contact Fayad Law, P.C. now.

What Sets Fayad Law, P.C. Apart?

As a boutique law firm, we make sure that every single case we handle and client we represent receives our personal attention. We limit our caseload to ensure our clients feel truly supported at every moment, from start to finish. Your best interests will always be priority – and that is our driving priority. We know that any type of legal matter can be overwhelming. We approach every case with compassion and dedication from start to finish because we know how much may be at stake for you. We bring more than 20 years of combined legal experience to the table, which gives our clients the legal knowledge and insight needed to successfully navigate various legal processes.

Firsthand Experience
as Immigrants

English, Arabic, French,
Russian and Spanish

Proven Track
Record of Success

Personal, One-on-One

You Stay Informed
at All Times

We Strive for Client


Il existe des dizaines de types de visas différents disponibles en vertu des dispositions de la loi sur l’immigration et la nationalité (INA), mais ils peuvent tous être classés dans l’une des deux catégories suivantes : les visas d’immigrant et les visas de non-immigrant. Le premier type de visa est destiné aux personnes qui espèrent établir leur résidence permanente avec une Green Card et peut-être même suivre la voie de la naturalisation et de la citoyenneté. Le second est destiné à ceux qui n’envisagent qu’une visite temporaire aux États-Unis, par exemple dans le but de mener des affaires ou de suivre des cours.

L’INA fixe des limites au nombre de personnes qui seront autorisées à immigrer aux États-Unis chaque année en utilisant certains types de visas, tandis que d’autres visas sont illimités. Les visas d’immigration familiale pour les parents immédiats des citoyens américains sont disponibles de manière illimitée, tandis que des quotas annuels sont fixés pour les parents des résidents permanents légaux et la famille élargie des citoyens, avec un quota maximum de 480 000. Le nombre de visas d’immigration à des fins d’emploi est limité à 140 000 par an.

Parmi les voies d’accès à la citoyenneté, l’on trouve le service dans l’armée américaine et l’adoption, mais un grand pourcentage des personnes accédant à la citoyenneté le font par le biais du processus de naturalisation. Les qualifications de base pour la naturalisation sont les suivantes :

  • Vivre aux États-Unis en tant que résident permanent depuis 5 ans (ou 3 ans pour le conjoint d’un citoyen américain)
  • Être âgé d’au moins 18 ans
  • Avoir vécu dans l’État où vous allez demander la citoyenneté pendant au moins trois mois avant la date de la demande
  • Être physiquement présent dans ce pays pendant au moins la moitié des cinq dernières années
  • Maintenir une résidence continue dans ce pays à partir de la date de dépôt de votre demande de naturalisation
  • Pouvoir lire, écrire et parler l’anglais

– Avoir une compréhension de base du gouvernement américain et de l’éducation civique.
Il est par ailleurs nécessaire de fournir la preuve que vous êtes une personne de bonne moralité et que vous êtes attaché aux principes de la Constitution américaine. Nous pouvons vous aider à prouver ces facteurs, ainsi qu’à préparer votre demande et vous aider à vous préparer aux tests.

En juin 2012, l’administration Obama a ordonné au ministère de la Sécurité intérieure (DHS) de commencer à appliquer une politique appelée “action différée pour les arrivées d’enfants” (DACA). Dans le cadre de cette action différée, le DHS exerce un pouvoir discrétionnaire dans l’exécution des lois relatives à l’expulsion et au renvoi des immigrants en situation irrégulière aux États-Unis. L’action différée n’est pas une modification de la loi existante, mais plutôt un changement dans la manière dont la loi est appliquée. Vous pouvez bénéficier d’une aide au titre du DACA si vous aviez moins de 31 ans le 15 juin 2012, si vous êtes arrivé aux États-Unis avant votre 16e anniversaire, si vous avez résidé de manière continue dans ce pays depuis le 15 juin 2007 et si vous êtes actuellement scolarisé ou si vous avez déjà obtenu un diplôme d’études secondaires ou un certificat d’enseignement général (GED), entre autres critères. Grâce à l’action différée, vous pourrez peut-être éviter d’être expulsé, bien qu’elle n’accorde aucun changement de statut d’immigration.

Lors de l’examen des demandes de visa d’immigrant, les services de citoyenneté et d’immigration des États-Unis (USCIS) prennent en compte les liens du futur immigrant avec les États-Unis et les raisons pour lesquelles il veut ou doit venir vivre dans ce pays. Par exemple, une demande d’immigration familiale ne sera pas approuvée si le ressortissant étranger n’a pas de parents immédiats tels que son conjoint, sa mère ou son père, un enfant ou un frère ou une sœur vivant déjà ici en tant que citoyen ou titulaire d’une Green Card. Une demande d’immigration à des fins d’emploi a plus de chances d’être approuvée si le demandeur a une offre d’emploi dans ce pays et s’il vient pour occuper un poste qui ne peut raisonnablement pas être pourvu sur le marché du travail local. Un ressortissant étranger qui fuit les persécutions dans son pays d’origine peut se voir accorder un visa d’immigrant en tant que réfugié ou demandeur d’asile.

Il existe de nombreuses stratégies pour contester une mesure d’expulsion. Si l’expulsion proposée est basée sur une condamnation pénale, il peut être possible de faire appel de la condamnation afin de la faire annuler. Une autre option consiste à demander l’annulation de l’expulsion, un type d’aide à l’immigration disponible pour les personnes de bonne moralité et dont l’expulsion soumettrait un membre de la famille, citoyen ou résident permanent, à des difficultés extrêmes. La clé du succès pour arrêter l’expulsion est de prendre des mesures immédiates en engageant un avocat de notre cabinet, spécialisé dans l’immigration en Virginie, dès que possible. Contactez-nous dès maintenant au cabinet Fayad Law, P.C. pour une consultation confidentielle et pour commencer à traiter votre dossier !

Fayad Law, P.C. possède des bureaux à Richmond et Fairfax, en Virginie. Nous travaillons avec des personnes, des familles et des entreprises du monde entier, en leur fournissant une assistance pour résoudre les problèmes juridiques liés à l’aide apportée à leurs proches et à leurs employés pour immigrer aux États-Unis. Nous travaillons directement avec des ressortissants vivant à l’étranger, en les guidant dans le processus d’obtention de visas d’immigrant et de non-immigrant pour l’entrée aux États-Unis.

De vrais clients, de vrais avis

Andres Mauricio De Ossa B.
17:29 06 May 24
Quiero agradecerle a mi abogado Nasj J Fayad por su excelente labor y el gran trabajo de todo su equipo especialmente para su asistente la señorita Marla quien a puesto su disposición incondicional para todo este proceso,de verdad estoy muy agradecido con Dios y todos ustedes porque el día 22 de abril del 2024 me dieron la mejor noticia de mi vida y es que me llegó mi green card.Gracias Doctor Nasj y a todo su equipo.
22:06 02 May 24
Thanks a lot for your great efforts.
Deema A.
03:44 25 Apr 24
They are the best team to work with they did a great job, I got my citizenship through them. Omnia and Aida work so hard with meThank you so much Fayad Law!You are the best!
Edgardo O.
21:12 26 Mar 24
El abogado Fayad fue el único que nos dio una respuesta positiva y nos dio una esperanza y hoy 10 años después de empezar el proceso nos damos por satisfechos 100%
23:23 12 Mar 24
I had a great experience with Fayad Law, P.C. Mr. Fayad and his staff were very efficient, detailed oriented and highly professional. I highly recommend Fayaf Law for anyone who is facing immigration issues. Now all my family members are U.S. citizens.Mohammed Mashhad.
Helene D.
22:42 12 Mar 24
Thanks to Fayad Law firm I got my naturalization. The team is very caring, attentive to all the details and advises as much as possible. Thank you for your help.
15:41 12 Mar 24
احلى خدمات معاكم شكراً لكم
Izzy T.
15:31 12 Mar 24
Great experience
Christine A.
19:20 01 Mar 24
I would like to thank to all Fayad Law, PC team that helped me during my green card process. They were very knowledgeable and helpful. I had an outstanding experience. I recommend Fayad Law attorney services. I can’t thank enough how I appreciate your hard work to make everything done successfully. ( Oscar, Aida, valeria) you guys are amazing…!! Thank you.
Jafer K.
13:02 11 Feb 24
I am beyond impressed with Fayad Law! Their professionalism, expertise, and dedication to their clients are truly exceptional. From the initial consultation to the final resolution, their team provided top-notch service and support. Their attention to detail, thorough understanding of the law, and strategic approach resulted in a successful outcome for my case. I cannot recommend Fayad Law highly enough – they truly stand out as the best of the best! If you’re seeking outstanding legal representation, look no further!With Fayad Law, I am US citizenship now 🇺🇸
15:26 09 Feb 24
I am so happy with Fayad Law.We worked with them regarding Green cards for parents.Aida and Oscar are excellent, professional, knowledgeable, ready to follow up and response with great and on time advise.I recommend them to everyone.Thank you again Aida and Oscar
Angie N.
22:22 16 Jan 24
I had a consultation with Mr. Fayad. He made me feel very comfortable and took his time to listen to me as well as answer all the questions I had. When the time comes, they will be the firm I choose to move forward eith my legal needs.
hind M.
08:39 07 Dec 23
Great services Fayad Law was really helpful throughout my husband Immigrant application process.Thanks again to you all.
Joseph G.
15:07 23 Oct 23
Aida and Oscar were magnificent to us ! Always available! Step – by – step assistance. We truly felt they cared about us and our situation. Never once did they give us erroneous advice or information. The process is long and requires detailed compliance and completeness- Aida and Oscar guided us through it all AND continuously gave us HOPE for a successful outccome! An outcome we achieved!!!!!!!!!!
Iliana C.
21:29 26 Sep 23
Son una firma de abogados muy profesionales, Dariel Cancel y Rayza Blanco me prepararon excelente para mi corte final se cumplió el objetivo de ganar mi caso de asilo…!! Excelente firma los recomiendo!!!
Mo H.
08:52 16 Sep 23
I recently had the privilege of working with Dariel Cancel, and I can’t express how grateful I am for his outstanding legal expertise and dedication to my case. From start to finish, Dariel demonstrated an unparalleled level of professionalism, knowledge, and genuine care for his clients.Dariel’s attention to detail is truly remarkable. He meticulously examined every aspect of my case, leaving no stone unturned. His ability to explain complex legal concepts in a clear and understandable manner made me feel confident and informed throughout the entire process.One of the things that stood out the most during my experience with Dariel was his unwavering commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for his clients. He went above and beyond to advocate for my rights and interests, and his courtroom skills are truly impressive.Moreover, Dariel Cancel and his team provided exceptional communication and support. They promptly answered my questions, kept me updated on the progress of my case, and made me feel like a valued client every step of the way.I am thrilled to say that with Dariel’s expertise, my case had a successful outcome. I couldn’t have asked for a better attorney to represent me. If you are in need of legal services and want someone who is not only a great lawyer but also a compassionate advocate, I wholeheartedly recommend Dariel Cancel. He is a true professional who is dedicated to achieving the best results for his clients. Thank you, Dariel, for your outstanding work!
Deysi R.
02:17 03 Sep 23
Estoy tan Féliz que no se cómo darle mil veses gracias a este bufet de abogados en especial al abogado fayad y ala para legal argelia y a mina que siempre está pendiente de mi a Lara y a todos muchas Gracias por tener mi caso , hoy gracias a dios recibí mi permiso de trabajo el primero de muchos logros más que tendré primero Dios , amig@s si están pensando en contratar un abogado porfavor no lo pienses 2 veses be donde ellos que no te arrepentirás gracias muchas Gracias a todos ATT DNRM
Priest Gabriel G.
18:48 23 Aug 23
I want to thank Dr. Fayad and his great team for the professional work that they did for me and my family, they are very professional and did a great job .Thanks a lot
Russ S.
05:10 18 Aug 23
My husband and I are very pleased with the attention and care we received from the Fayad Law team — specifically from Aida and Oscar. They assisted us for both permanent residence and naturalization. They did more than just complete paperwork. We felt listened to, guided, and accompanied through our unique immigration journey. As well, their presence and advocacy for us at the naturalization interview turned a bureaucratic mess into a hiccup. Thank you, all!
Mari G.
22:49 14 Aug 23
Muy bueno 100% recomendado.abla con la verdad y todo el personal super bueno y atento🙏👍estoy muy contenta y satisfecha con todos mis resultados🙏
Nona M.
01:50 30 Jul 23
Maria M.
02:00 22 Jul 23
Oscar and team helped me through process my case in limited time. They were very helpful, especially Oscar he’s very attention to the detail, he worked above and beyond and he called me as soon as the office receive my greencard. Thank you Oscar and team!
oday H.
17:59 12 Jul 23
A very good lawyer interested in matters of marriageI try to be very quick to process
Maria M.
23:37 10 Jul 23
I had an exceptional experience with Fayad Law, P.C. and attorney Aida Farahani. Aida and her team of paralegals, especially Oscar and Mariana, were incredibly kind, helpful and quick to respond to emails. They provided excellent support throughout the entire process of my mother’s naturalization application, including the interview. Aida’s professionalism and reassurance, combined with the dedication and efficiency of her paralegals, made the journey smooth and stress-free. One thing that truly stood out was their clear communication regarding what we could expect at each step of the process. I highly recommend Fayad Law, Aida Farahani, and her amazing team for all immigration related matters. Thank you for your exceptional service.
Ali A
20:53 30 Jun 23
Very helpful and excellent lawyer. He worked very hard to win my asylum case and he showed confidence and experience. The best Lawyer!
Ahmed A.
15:03 30 Jun 23
I had the privilege of witnessing my brother’s triumphant asylum case, and I attribute much of his success to the remarkable skills of Dariel, his immigration lawyer. Dariel’s exceptional attention to detail, unwavering professionalism, patience, and punctuality were instrumental in securing a favorable outcome. I highly recommend Dariel’s services to anyone in need of an outstanding immigration lawyer.
Wannerges L.
21:46 29 Jun 23
Un personal amable y profesional
Jose M.
04:08 28 Jun 23
100% Recomendados muy atentos y responsables agradecido por sus servicios
Prisi V.
19:48 22 Jun 23
Buen servicio 👍
Adnan H
22:17 15 Jun 23
Working with Attorney Dariel Cancel was the best choice I made. Not only was he diligent and thorough throughout the entirety of my time with him, but his hard work led to success in my case today. I am grateful that I found this firm and had the privilege of working with such a bright and exceptional attorney. I truly believe his future is looking bright with all his successes. I highly recommend working with Fayad Law and entrusting Attorney Dariel Cancel with your case.
Lizzeth G.
20:45 07 Jun 23
Excelente servicio , Buena atencion. Amabilidad excelente
Vince M
20:49 06 Jun 23
Fayad Law, was very helpful with processing the papers to get my mother-n-law to join us here in the US.Very professionalThanks
Willian R.
19:27 05 Jun 23
excelente atención y repuesta en los casos migratorios. gracias .
Jose P.
18:51 05 Jun 23
Mi experiencia con fayad law hasta el dia de hoy a sido excelente porque me han mantenido informado como va mi proceso con inmigracion cuanto tiempo tengo que esperar y para mi me a parecido que hacen un buen trabajo y que me han brindado un excelente servicio
Sulema M.
22:54 02 Jun 23
Estoy muy satisfecha con los servicios del abogado Nash Fayad, muy buena atención y muy honesto, me saco mi permiso de trabajo, residencia y hoy gracias a Dios y a su eficiencia ya soy ciudadana de los Estados Unidos. Gracias Fayad LAW, P.C.
Ariela A.
23:02 24 May 23
excellent service. very good lawyer dariel cancel
Alirio U.
00:57 10 May 23
100% Recomendados muy atentos y responsables agradecido por sus servicios
Carlos H.
01:34 09 May 23
Isidro D.
14:00 05 May 23
Thanks to mr. Fayad .Marla and yaniz Rivera
Rubi M.
13:48 28 Apr 23
Son una firma de abogados profesionales y que recomiendo realmente me ayudaron a ganar mi caso. Ellos están muy bien informados en los temas siempre los. recomendare
phop D.
16:59 24 Apr 23
Aida Farahani And Oscar are the Best helpers best service thank you
Frank P.
19:14 04 Apr 23
We have worked with Fayad Law since 2014. Initially they helped us secure an H-1B visa for an employee, and recently that employee’s “green card” was approved!This was quite a journey, and a very big undertaking for a small business. Throughout it all they were there to guide us and make sure that we overcame all the many obstacles that were placed in our way.Thank you so much to Nash and your expert team. Your firm serves an important role in furthering the American dream, and we really appreciate you.
dorsa J.
12:20 03 Apr 23
Aida is the best , I highly recommended her . She is very knowledgeable. I had such a great experience with her . She helped me with applying for green card and K1 visa.
Rizwan C.
02:24 22 Mar 23
Fayad Law, P.C. has a very knowledgeable team.Mr. Nash Fayad, Aida Farahani, and Oscar Herrera handled my case very professionally and with great attention to detail.Based on my experience, Fayad Law is a HIGHLY recommended immigration law firm.
ali A.
13:31 16 Mar 23
Aida Farahani and Oscar Herrera they are the best immigration lawyers in the market right know they are working with Fayad low
Yaritza S.
13:07 09 Mar 23
Es un abogado muy profesional
aly E.
12:55 02 Feb 23
I had a free half hour consultation with Ms. Ingy Giurguis (who speaks both English and Arabic). In just 20 minutes, I had already changed my perspective about my file. It was an eye opening experience. I am seriously thinking of transferring my file to their office. Ms. Giurguis is knowledgeable, well experienced, and good hearted. She was honest with me. The whole thing was like a paradigm shift. This is not an easy thing to achieve, especially given my hard-to-persuade character! I am giving just 4 stars because I haven’t yet dealt with the office in depth. As soon as I do transfer my file, see how they really handle it, the thing I am sure they would do properly, I am going to Five Star Rating!
Ali A.
20:54 01 Feb 23
I highly recommend this place! They have an amazing legal team that provided an outstanding effort and care throughout the entire process. Thank you!
Marines C.
14:48 01 Feb 23
Working with Fayad Law has been the best experience anyone can have. Everyone was exceedingly professional, reliable and punctual to say the least. If I ever need immigration lawyers again, Fayad Law will be my choice!
Mary F.
22:05 30 Jan 23
Ahora cuentan con un buen servicio y buena amabilidad, 👍
Joanne A
18:15 26 Jan 23
From start to finish Mr. Fayad and his team did an outstanding job, I had a complicated case but Fayad law did all that they said they would do, to ensure I would be sucessful in my quest to become a legal permanent resident. Today I am happy to say I am! . Thanks to the expert and caring staff. Greatly appreciated.
Eyad W.
22:18 19 Dec 22
Thank you so much Oscar and Aida !
Jumana N.
12:24 04 Sep 22
I really recommended Fayad law team!Mr.Aida did Amazing job with my case!I’m so lucky that i was one of your clients!😍thanks for you and for the team who was working on my case!!
mohammed A.
15:47 01 Sep 22
The indication I have been seeing in Fayed law actively work with client and realistic.
Gavi H.
02:46 15 Jan 22
Very friendly staff and communicative!! If anyone is in need of immigration help, this is the place to go! They make the process simple, quick, and easy. Thank you Fayad Law!
Moudy L.
21:57 12 Jan 22
To the point, great law office, friendlyThank u everyone
Eric G.
16:19 30 Oct 21
Amazing service
Rose D.
00:22 11 May 21
Nice place and friendly staff. Thank you Mrs. Marla for everything 🌺🌺
Alex Z.
15:40 18 Mar 21
Fayad law its a great firm very professional they made a great job With my case.
Andrey K.
19:34 17 Feb 21
Stellar immigration firm. Had a very pleasant experience, had multiple cases handled by Fayad Law and they were responsive, knowledgeable and effective. Especially Mrs Dosmanova – highly recommend to work with this attorney, speaks multiple languages too
Haya S.
04:24 23 Dec 20
I’m very happy to work with Ms. Ektrena she helped me a lot through out my case, I would Thank her very much 🙂
Christian B.
06:14 29 Jan 20
We’ve been using Fayad law for years. They’ve successfully helped us obtain approval for an I-130 and are working on various other things on our immigration journey. They’ve also represented us on various traffic matters. We began working closely with Jonathan White a few years ago and he has always been refreshingly pleasant. I am greatfulmfor this practice and truly value the service we have been provided at Fayad Law- I cannot express the gratitude for the kindness that has been showed to my family.
Andrea R.
02:49 23 Jan 20
Estamos muy agradecidos con la ayuda que el buffete nos ha ofrecido mi esposo fue detenido por ICE y fue procesada su deportacion de inmediato ..el llego a su pais de donde fue regresado a USA gracias a los abogados q detuvieron su deportacion…ellos lograron sacarlo con una fianza y estamos aqui Unidos en familia nuevamente …Gracias. Fayad Law por su apollo …vale la pena claro que si …🙏🙏🙏☺
Hany F.
21:53 22 Jan 20
I dealt with Ingy Girgis and she was beyond expectation in all matters , staff in the office are very helpful and cooperative. I realy recommend Fayad law office
Grace M.
04:03 01 Jan 20
Very knowledgeable and I would highly recommend his services.
Lilian R.
02:19 16 Dec 19
Nice place kind and friendly staff
14:38 10 Sep 19
This review is being written after a phone consultation with Mr. Fayad. Mr. Fayad is a well-informed and caring person who tries his best to help his clients and lead them down the right path. His staff are understanding and polite, as they helped me with an issue concerning the timing of the consultation as well as followed-up after to ensure if I missed anything or needed any further help with my legal issue.Overall, I recommend Mr. Fayad for anyone who needs legal advice or help.
Gary B.
17:30 30 Jul 19
Very helpful.
13:13 26 Jun 19
This review is specific for the front desk. The first face who greets you is Estaphania. She always has a smile and greets you warmly genuinely. She is attentive and seems like one who enjoys what she does.I can’t rate the legal work yet because I just signed my contract with Mr. Fayyad and am hoping for the best.
Ashraf H.
00:06 21 Feb 19
The best one ever, great mindset, very clever
Nermine F.
14:17 12 Oct 18
We done my mother case with Mr. Fayad we want to thank everybody in the office they such of great team special johnsan he such a very good lawyer .. honest person thanks for his great job …Very helpful
Ali AL L.
02:09 21 Dec 17
jc V.
03:12 26 Oct 17
Great Customer Service and knowledge about their business.
Nilza P.
22:55 16 Aug 17
He is some of the best immigration LawyerOf Virginia.I’m so happy with the results.
Frank P.
18:25 17 Feb 17
They assisted my company with an H1-B visa for a key employee. Found the firm to be expert and responsive to our needs and concerns throughout the entire process.
connie V.
15:31 25 Jan 17
The place to go if you have immigration issue

Associations Professionnelles

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