Avocat spécialisé dans les cautions d'immigration et les détentions par l'ICE à Richmond


Avocat spécialisé dans les cautions d'immigration et les détentions par l'ICE à Richmond

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L’agence américaine d’application des lois sur l’immigration et les douanes (ICE) est la branche du département de la sécurité intérieure des États-Unis chargée d’identifier, d’enquêter et de démanteler les vulnérabilités de la frontière et de la sécurité économique, des transports et des infrastructures de notre pays. L’ICE est divisé en deux départements, HIS, ou Homeland Security Investigations, et ERO, ou Enforcement and Removal Operations. Lorsqu’une personne est détenue par l’ICE, elle peut être détenue pendant une longue période en attendant une audience judiciaire ou son expulsion des États-Unis. Au cabinet d’avocats Fayad Law, PC, en Virginie, nombre de nos clients ont été détenus par l’ICE à la suite d’une arrestation par la police, locale ou nationale, qui a déclenché un contrôle d’identité permettant de découvrir que l’individu faisait l’objet d’un ordre d’expulsion des États-Unis dans une affaire d’immigration, ou qu’il était un étranger sans papiers.

Comment se préparer pour la caution

Si votre proche ou quelqu’un que vous connaissez est placé en détention par l’ICE, rassemblez toutes les informations ou tous les documents relatifs à l’immigration que vous pouvez trouver et consultez immédiatement un avocat qualifié en matière d’immigration. Souvent, la personne détenue peut être éligible à une caution, ce qui lui permettrait d’être libérée. Il est très fréquent que les détenus soient déplacés d’un établissement pénitentiaire à un autre plusieurs fois au cours d’une détention ICE. L’individu sera finalement présenté à un juge qui a le pouvoir de le libérer si une caution est versée au tribunal de l’immigration. Cependant, sans la présence d’un avocat à l’audience, il peut être presque impossible de convaincre le juge d’accorder une caution. Même si le juge accorde une caution, il est extrêmement difficile pour un non-initié de se renseigner sur cette caution ou de savoir où elle doit être déposée. Les informations concernant l’ICE, ses bureaux et ses numéros de téléphone sont difficiles à trouver, mais un avocat qualifié en matière d’immigration qui connaît bien le processus de détention de l’ICE a déjà accès aux informations de contact appropriées.

Contactez immédiatement nos bureaux si vous un ami ou un membre de votre famille a besoin d’aide pour obtenir une caution afin d’être libéré d’une détention par l’ICE. La caution pour l’immigration fixée par un juge est généralement de 5 000 ou 10 000 dollars. Contactez-nous dès aujourd’hui pour une consultation gratuite.


Nous contacter

Nous respectons votre vie privée. Les informations que vous fournissez seront utilisées pour répondre à votre requête ou pour fixer un rendez-vous si vous le souhaitez.

Remarque : tous les champs accompagnés d'un * sont obligatoires.

Avocats spécialisés dans les procédures d’appels pour les dossiers d’immigration à Richmond

Vous Avez Des Questions Concernant Vos Droits ? Vous Souhaitez Discuter De Votre Dossier D’immigration ? Contactez Fayad Law, P.C. Maintenant.

Qu’est-ce qui distingue Fayad Law, P.C.?

En Tant Que Cabinet Juridique De Proximité, Nous Veillons À Ce Que Chaque Affaire Que Nous Traitons Et Chaque Client Que Nous Représentons Bénéficient De Notre Attention Personnelle. Nous Limitons Notre Charge De Travail Pour Que Nos Clients Se Sentent Vraiment Soutenus À Chaque Instant, Du Début À La Fin. Vos Meilleurs Intérêts Seront Toujours Prioritaires – Et C’est Notre Priorité Absolue. Nous Savons Que Tout Type D’affaire Juridique Peut Être Accablant. Nous Abordons Chaque Cas Avec Compassion Et Dévouement Du Début À La Fin, Car Nous Savons Combien L’enjeu Peut Être Important Pour Vous. Nous Apportons Plus De 20 Ans D’expérience Juridique Combinée, Ce Qui Donne À Nos Clients Les Connaissances Juridiques Et La Perspicacité Nécessaires Pour Naviguer Avec Succès Dans Les Différents Processus Juridiques.

Expérience de première main en tant qu'immigrés

Nous parlons: anglais, arabe, français, russe et espagnol

Des succès avérés

Attention personnelle, face à face

Vous restez informé(e) en tout temps

Satisfaction client garantie

Foire aux questions sur l’immigration

Il existe des dizaines de types de visas différents disponibles en vertu des dispositions de la loi sur l’immigration et la nationalité (INA), mais ils peuvent tous être classés dans l’une des deux catégories suivantes : les visas d’immigrant et les visas de non-immigrant. Le premier type de visa est destiné aux personnes qui espèrent établir leur résidence permanente avec une Green Card et peut-être même suivre la voie de la naturalisation et de la citoyenneté. Le second est destiné à ceux qui n’envisagent qu’une visite temporaire aux États-Unis, par exemple dans le but de mener des affaires ou de suivre des cours.

L’INA fixe des limites au nombre de personnes qui seront autorisées à immigrer aux États-Unis chaque année en utilisant certains types de visas, tandis que d’autres visas sont illimités. Les visas d’immigration familiale pour les parents immédiats des citoyens américains sont disponibles de manière illimitée, tandis que des quotas annuels sont fixés pour les parents des résidents permanents légaux et la famille élargie des citoyens, avec un quota maximum de 480 000. Le nombre de visas d’immigration à des fins d’emploi est limité à 140 000 par an.

Parmi les voies d’accès à la citoyenneté, l’on trouve le service dans l’armée américaine et l’adoption, mais un grand pourcentage des personnes accédant à la citoyenneté le font par le biais du processus de naturalisation. Les qualifications de base pour la naturalisation sont les suivantes :

  • Vivre aux États-Unis en tant que résident permanent depuis 5 ans (ou 3 ans pour le conjoint d’un citoyen américain)
  • Être âgé d’au moins 18 ans
  • Avoir vécu dans l’État où vous allez demander la citoyenneté pendant au moins trois mois avant la date de la demande
  • Être physiquement présent dans ce pays pendant au moins la moitié des cinq dernières années
  • Maintenir une résidence continue dans ce pays à partir de la date de dépôt de votre demande de naturalisation
  • Pouvoir lire, écrire et parler l’anglais

– Avoir une compréhension de base du gouvernement américain et de l’éducation civique.
Il est par ailleurs nécessaire de fournir la preuve que vous êtes une personne de bonne moralité et que vous êtes attaché aux principes de la Constitution américaine. Nous pouvons vous aider à prouver ces facteurs, ainsi qu’à préparer votre demande et vous aider à vous préparer aux tests.

En juin 2012, l’administration Obama a ordonné au ministère de la Sécurité intérieure (DHS) de commencer à appliquer une politique appelée “action différée pour les arrivées d’enfants” (DACA). Dans le cadre de cette action différée, le DHS exerce un pouvoir discrétionnaire dans l’exécution des lois relatives à l’expulsion et au renvoi des immigrants en situation irrégulière aux États-Unis. L’action différée n’est pas une modification de la loi existante, mais plutôt un changement dans la manière dont la loi est appliquée. Vous pouvez bénéficier d’une aide au titre du DACA si vous aviez moins de 31 ans le 15 juin 2012, si vous êtes arrivé aux États-Unis avant votre 16e anniversaire, si vous avez résidé de manière continue dans ce pays depuis le 15 juin 2007 et si vous êtes actuellement scolarisé ou si vous avez déjà obtenu un diplôme d’études secondaires ou un certificat d’enseignement général (GED), entre autres critères. Grâce à l’action différée, vous pourrez peut-être éviter d’être expulsé, bien qu’elle n’accorde aucun changement de statut d’immigration.

Lors de l’examen des demandes de visa d’immigrant, les services de citoyenneté et d’immigration des États-Unis (USCIS) prennent en compte les liens du futur immigrant avec les États-Unis et les raisons pour lesquelles il veut ou doit venir vivre dans ce pays. Par exemple, une demande d’immigration familiale ne sera pas approuvée si le ressortissant étranger n’a pas de parents immédiats tels que son conjoint, sa mère ou son père, un enfant ou un frère ou une sœur vivant déjà ici en tant que citoyen ou titulaire d’une Green Card. Une demande d’immigration à des fins d’emploi a plus de chances d’être approuvée si le demandeur a une offre d’emploi dans ce pays et s’il vient pour occuper un poste qui ne peut raisonnablement pas être pourvu sur le marché du travail local. Un ressortissant étranger qui fuit les persécutions dans son pays d’origine peut se voir accorder un visa d’immigrant en tant que réfugié ou demandeur d’asile.

Il existe de nombreuses stratégies pour contester une mesure d’expulsion. Si l’expulsion proposée est basée sur une condamnation pénale, il peut être possible de faire appel de la condamnation afin de la faire annuler. Une autre option consiste à demander l’annulation de l’expulsion, un type d’aide à l’immigration disponible pour les personnes de bonne moralité et dont l’expulsion soumettrait un membre de la famille, citoyen ou résident permanent, à des difficultés extrêmes. La clé du succès pour arrêter l’expulsion est de prendre des mesures immédiates en engageant un avocat de notre cabinet, spécialisé dans l’immigration en Virginie, dès que possible. Contactez-nous dès maintenant au cabinet Fayad Law, P.C. pour une consultation confidentielle et pour commencer à traiter votre dossier !

Fayad Law, P.C. possède des bureaux à Richmond et Fairfax, en Virginie. Nous travaillons avec des personnes, des familles et des entreprises du monde entier, en leur fournissant une assistance pour résoudre les problèmes juridiques liés à l’aide apportée à leurs proches et à leurs employés pour immigrer aux États-Unis. Nous travaillons directement avec des ressortissants vivant à l’étranger, en les guidant dans le processus d’obtention de visas d’immigrant et de non-immigrant pour l’entrée aux États-Unis.

De vrais clients, de vrais avis

Ahmed E.
22:38 03 Jan 25
Great follow up procedures 😃🙏👋
Gredis I.
21:27 03 Jan 25
Excellent service, I appreciate Fayad lawyer for everything they did for my family, it takes time because is a whole process but overall thank y’all.
Hrtn Z.
20:55 03 Jan 25
أنا راضي جدا عن المعاملة من مكتب فياض و أتمن كل إنسان يتعامل معاهم الخدمة ممتاز و العملاء بيتابعو قضاياك و يتصلو بيك كل مرة إذا كان عندك استشكال ولا حاجة بدك تسأل عنه و أعيد و اذكر اتمن كل حد بيشوف المنشور يتابع معاهم و شكرا
yassin M.
20:25 03 Jan 25
Great communication with excellent follow up
Yassin Y.
19:24 03 Jan 25
Its a great law firm
Sarah M
19:19 03 Jan 25
I recommend Fayad Law to anyone. The whole firm is professional, knowledgeable and very thoughtful. I’d like to Thank Ingy, Aida , Marwa and all the team for always being professional and friendly.
Ingrid H.
16:20 03 Jan 25
Mesinto feliz porque son unas grandes personas i ase un buen trabajo los recomiendo simporsinto gracias
Mohamed G.
18:39 02 Jan 25
إلى [fayad law /]،واخص بشكر خاص للأستاذة لاراأود أن أعبر عن خالص شكري وتقديري للخدمة الممتازة التي قدمتموها لي. لقد كنت ممتنًا جدًا للاهتمام والاحترافية التي تعاملتم بها مع معاملتي.كانت تجربتي معكم إيجابية للغاية، وأقدر الجهد المبذول لضمان رضاي. إن جودة الخدمة التي تقدمونها تعكس التزامكم الكبير بتقديم الأفضل لعملائكم.شكرًا لكم مرة أخرى، وأتطلع إلى التعامل معكم مستقبلاً.تقبلوا أطيب تحياتي،[Mohamed jamall Guettay]
shahnaz W.
07:48 01 Jan 25
A big thank you to Dr Fayad and his professional team, excellent work and they are patient to answer any question, i highly recommended this teamSpecial thanks toLara Fayad , and Angie for their work and support
Sidi M.
17:06 31 Dec 24
فريق ممتاز ومعامله جيده
Nestor L.
15:28 31 Dec 24
Buen servicio al cliente buena respuesta a nuestras inquietudes , soluciones efectivas
M s K.
23:51 30 Dec 24
Very good professional team
payaso T.
18:31 27 Dec 24
Un grupo de abogados que te horientan en todo el trámite gracias
Rosalina Diaz R.
16:36 27 Dec 24
Les doy 5 estrellas , les recomiendo a las personas Fayad Law si cumple las expectativas alas personas y familias
16:11 27 Dec 24
We are really please with our experience!
Adam A.
16:19 23 Dec 24
كل الشكرا المكتب استاذ فياض تجارب جيدة جدا وامتنان لكل الأشياء الرائعة التي عاملونا بها وساعدوا عائلتي. شكرًا جزيلاً. ممتنة من القلب. جزيل الشكر لفريق فياض للمحاماة بأكمله.
Basha1000 K.
16:02 23 Dec 24
كل ما له علاقة بهذا المكان والناس الذين يقومون على الخدمة رائعين وملتزمين بالعمل…. شكراً لهم جميعاً و أوصي الجميع بالتعامل معهم
Amera S.
15:56 21 Dec 24
خدمه ممتازه
16:32 20 Dec 24
Fayad Law is very professional team of lawyers. They are capable successfully handle cases that others consider as not having any chances. I am sincerely grateful to Aida and Natalia for the help! Their knowledge, experience, hard work and advices for the preparation of supporting documents made my case approved extremely fast without any RFE. I would highly recommend them to everyone!
Mohamed Z.
15:02 20 Dec 24
Fayad Law, P.C provided an exceptional assistance with good communication. Highly recommend their service and dedication.
Somaya A.
20:02 19 Dec 24
تجربة محترمة مع مكتب محترم ومنتهى المهنية في التعامل مع ملف الهجرة الخاص بي ،، منتهى الدقة ،، غاية السرعة في التواصل والاداء ،، وانهاء المعاملات .انصح الجميع بالتعاون مع مكتبهم
Oscar Ramos G.
16:36 19 Dec 24
Excelente servicio es 100% recomendado a mi me están ayudando mucho de lo que va de mi caso y soy muy amables…
carlos C.
16:00 19 Dec 24
Bueno solo puedo decir grasias por toda la ayuda recibida por los servicios dado ami familia
Lubia O.
15:00 19 Dec 24
Llevo 5 años ya con mi abogado me an brindado buen servicio se los recomiendo mucho.
Elvis G.
00:29 19 Dec 24
I am very grateful for the help. Excellent service and very patient to answer any questions.
Ahmed H.
20:28 18 Dec 24
Fayad Law has been wonderful to my family and I. We have been in the United States for 10 years and we just recently got granted asylum and that was because of Fayad Law! Thank you Fayad Law for bringing our hope back and helping us with our case, truly such a great and amazing team they have!
walid C.
19:07 18 Dec 24
It’s a very good service and recommended! 100%
Adel H.
16:54 18 Dec 24
Mr. Fayad, is a professional lawyer, he is specialising in an immigration cases. I recommend him and his professional team.
Yadira L.
14:25 18 Dec 24
Gracias a Fayad Law,P.C mi familia y yo hemos obtenido buenos resultados,y gracias a todo su equipo de trabajo, nos an brindado buena atención se los recomiendo,
Lor B
04:36 18 Dec 24
They have nice service and nice people!
23:48 17 Dec 24
They’re also awesome always at their work and everything they do. They have funny personality.
هايلة ا.
23:45 17 Dec 24
They are great workers and they are awesome people
Hilal A.
23:38 17 Dec 24
They’re very nice people and know what they’re doing and i had a great experience with them
23:34 17 Dec 24
They are very helpful
Faiz Al N.
23:31 17 Dec 24
They have great customer service
Ahmed M.
20:49 17 Dec 24
I really appreciate the efforts of the employees of fayad law. They are really professional and responsive.
Adam D.
18:22 17 Dec 24
Good service thank
Francisco B.
15:46 16 Dec 24
Excelente servicio
Emely D.
13:37 16 Dec 24
Les doy 5 estrellas por el excelente servicio , gracias al trabajo duro del abogado pudimos obtener un estatus legal mi hermana y yo aquí en EE.UU. ¡ Lo recomiendo !
Lian T.
14:24 15 Dec 24
Siempre los recomiendo me han ayudado mucho en mi proceso.
Sandra M.
22:38 13 Dec 24
Excelente servicio muy buena atención
yovani S.
19:10 13 Dec 24
Son persona serias cunple tutti espetativas
sally S.
17:41 13 Dec 24
I want to thank all the office for the quick response my call with help and answer all my questions.They was very helpfulI loved their work because they worked with honesty and accuracy.
Julia V.
17:14 13 Dec 24
Excelente servicio , Amabilidad excelente
Alaa D.
21:53 12 Dec 24
اشكر مكتب فياض للمحاماه علي المصدقيه والامانه في العمل والمتابعه المستمره واخص بالشكر الاستاذه انجي والاستاذه امنيه وارشح المكتب بشده
Wafek J.
20:45 12 Dec 24
the best law firm , i recommend it
Citlalli A.
15:31 12 Dec 24
Excellent service
Sasha C.
15:25 12 Dec 24
Overall experience was GREAT! Would recommend to anyone.
Sergio Raykel Garcia E.
00:07 12 Dec 24
Muy buenas experiencias y agradecimiento por todo lo maravilloso q nos han tratado y nos han ayudado a mi familia. Muchísimas gracias. Agradecido d corazón. Muchas bendiciones para todo el equipo de trabajo de fayad Law .
Waheed A.
23:10 11 Dec 24
I just wanted to express my gratitude to the Fayadlaw team for their exceptional assistance. Mrs. Aida, Amaniya, Mrs. Angie, and the entire team were incredibly helpful and cooperative. I recently sent two friends who were facing issues with the company, and they were able to resolve their concerns promptly and efficiently.Thank you once again for your outstanding service.Best regards,Waheed
Neda A.
21:44 11 Dec 24
Thank you so much for everythingAnd fayad lawOmnia ♥️
Fanny M.
22:17 10 Dec 24
Abogado Fayad law , los recomiendo excelente servicio, en mi caso migratorio , muy amables y eficientes en su trabajo
ahmed B.
21:39 10 Dec 24
أود أن أعرب عن خالص امتناني ‏للمكتب القانونيFAYAD LAW I ‏على الاحتراف التي يقدمونها ‏وسرعة الاستجابة في حالة طلبهم ‏وشكرا.
Med K.
02:31 10 Dec 24
I like this library very much, especially Ms. Lara. She was good to me and always helped me. I recommend everyone to visit this office because it is an accredited office.
Rigoberto olmedo P.
21:57 08 Dec 24
estoy muy agradesido con la firma de abogados Fayad Law por ayudarme en un poco mas de un año me dieron mi permiso de trabajo y mi social los recomiendo
Graciela P.
03:12 07 Dec 24
He sido cliente de la firma de Abogados Fayad Law , son muy eficiente , y su personal capaz y amable cuando uno trata con ellos , en mi caso me asignado a la señorita Alejandra Gómez , muy amable y tiene un espíritu de servicio notable , ahora ya tengo mis documentos , gracias a todo el personal !!!
Moulaye A.
19:12 06 Dec 24
Nice work
Eduardo H.
19:06 03 Dec 24
Recomiendo al 100 tengo años con ellos son los mejores
alondra G.
02:25 28 Nov 24
Mr. Fayad and his team have been wonderful with helping me with my wifes case and mine as well. They have been an tremendous help with everything an very understanding ! I highly recommend coming to them for you legal needs
Mina N.
19:46 27 Nov 24
Thanks so much 🙏 The Best Place 👏🏻
Ali R Z.
18:27 26 Nov 24
It’s the best ❤️
00:03 23 Nov 24
احسن محامي في امريكاء
Bahaa F.
21:10 22 Nov 24
Fayad Law supported me and my family in the Asylum case application, and they have handled our case in a very professional manner, in addition to being very supportive and knowledgeable in what they are doing.Simply, any immigration, Asylum or if you need a well law firm and attorney to handle your case and manage it until success – i would highly recommend Fayad Law.Special thanks to Dr. Nash Fayad and his team, in particular Lara Fayad for her support and professionalism.Keep it up Fayad Law 🙏🙏
Maria de los ángeles Torrez T.
20:19 22 Nov 24
Le agradezco al licenciado fayad por su gran ayuda en el proceso de mis hijas su atención es excelente y muy recomendable tienen un gran equipo
Ayat H.
19:44 22 Nov 24
Excellent and sophisticated service, with complete responses to all questions and inquiries at high speed, along with suitable advice to support the “case.” I am very happy with my experience with them, and I hope that future procedures will be through this wonderful office.
Neyda L.
15:24 22 Nov 24
Hasta el día de hoy, estoy contenta con los servicios que me han brindado, agradezco a los abogados y al personal de Fayad Laws.
Elie A.
22:24 21 Nov 24
I’ve been working with Fayad Law, and I’m extremely impressed with their professionalism and dedication. A special thanks to Michael for consistently keeping me updated on my case. His communication and attention to detail have been exceptional, making a challenging process much easier to navigate. Highly recommend this firm to anyone in need of reliable legal support!
Nabila W.
05:16 16 Nov 24
Mr Fayad was extremely professional attorney who helped me with my immigration application. He is knowledgeable about all aspects of immigration law and was prompt in responding to my concerns, His proactive communication and ability to handle complex legal scenarios effectively have been a significant asset , and always went the extra mile to support me in my case that I got my Green card (permanent resident) less than three years. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking legal assistance in the US .Thanks to Him and his best law team!
Yuri R.
03:33 26 Oct 24
Llevé mi caso con el Abogado Nash Fayad, para mi Residencia y estoy muy feliz porque llegó a buen término , cuenta con un equipo de Abogados profesionales. Lo recomiendo al 100 % hagan su cita no se arrepentirán. Esta haciendo un excelente trabajo con nuestra comunidad Latina.
Samer A.
18:17 22 Oct 24
I had the best experience with this office.Mr. Nasser Fayad and his staff did their best to help us with my immigration case they always make sure that everything is submitted so we don’t have issues. And the best of them is Marla Motero she always respond and help with any thing needed and any questions. I am really thankful that I dealt with this office. All my family cases were handled by them and all my family got their visas and all now are in the USA. Thanks to Mr. Fayad, Ms Marla and all the other staff.
Sovantara C.
21:51 11 Oct 24
I had a fantastic experience and found a dependable place for R1 !
Kahtan A.
13:09 04 Oct 24
Mr. Fayad and his team of lawyers in the office were very helpful, they were very organized and they knew exactly what documents I needed for my case, the way they prepared with me for my immigration interview was very professional, and they were on top of things with me especially with communication. They definitely had a big contribution to the positive outcome of my case. I recommend Mr. Fayad for anyone looking for help with their case, him and his team will help you.
Aris H.
21:36 03 Oct 24
Mi experiencia fue maravillosa todo el trámite fue facil y rápido la señorita Alejandra Gómez fue una persona muy amable y estuvo al pendiente de todo el trámite se los recomiendo muy profesionales
Moe O.
19:26 30 Sep 24
I have known the Fayad Law group for more than 20 years. Their team has been providing outstanding legal support for me, my family and my extended family over the years. Their professionalism, expertise, and dedication have been invaluable. We have always felt confident in their hands, knowing they will prioritize our needs and work tirelessly to achieve the best results for us in a timely fashion. I have also referred many friends to Fayad Law and they all had the same feedback. I highly recommend them to anyone in need of trustworthy and effective legal assistance. A BIG Thank you for your whole Team.
Mazen O.
23:07 27 Sep 24
I recently had the pleasure of working with Fayad Law, and I couldn’t be more satisfied with their services. From the initial consultation to the final submission of my visa application, the team was professional, knowledgeable, and incredibly supportive. They took the time to understand my unique situation, guiding me through every step of the process with clear communication and personalized attention.What stood out most was their commitment to staying updated on immigration laws and policies, ensuring that my application was both thorough and compliant. The staff was always available to answer my questions and address any concerns, making the entire experience much less stressful.I highly recommend Fayad Law to anyone seeking assistance with immigration matters. Their expertise and dedication truly set them apart in the field.
Meggy M.
19:16 27 Sep 24
Good Afternoon Aida,We would like to thank you once again for representing us in our case and helping us with everything we needed to know in the interview. We could not have done it without you. Thanks to you and your Law Firm’s diligence, we were able to overcome the adversity in our last case. We wish you well on your endeavors and hope your life and career are filled with many more wins.Seth & Magdalene
Sidielmekhtar B.
00:18 27 Sep 24
لقد كانت تجربة أكثر من رائعة لقد فزت بقضيتي عن طريق هاذا المكتب وطوال هاذهي الفترة أحسست أنني بين عائلتي عندما أحتاج لهم في أي أستفسار أجدهم في الحقيقة صرت أعتبرهم عائلتي الثانية وأشكر الأستاذة لارة كما أشكر لأستاذة مي والأستاذ سامح وهناك أشخاص لا أعرف أسمائهم منهم الشخص الذي يستقبلني في الهاتف إنه شخص رائع وأتمني لكم المزيد من النجاح والتألق؟It was a more than wonderful experience. I won my case through this office, and throughout this period I felt that I was among my family. When I needed them for any inquiry, I found them. In fact, I considered them my second family. I thank Ms. Lara, as and Mr. Sameh. There are people whose names I do not know, including the person who receives me on the phone. He is a wonderful person, and I wish you more success and brilliance.
Eyad I.
16:15 23 Aug 24
Very respectful and professional office, always get back to you on time and reply to emails in a very timely manner. Gives you all the details you need to know and give each customer the time they need to answer any questions or inquiries . Get all your paperwork done and prepare whatever work that you need to be done. Highly recommended and one of the best legal services you can ever get
Iliana C.
20:38 31 Jul 24
Son una firma de abogados muy profesionales, Dariel Cancel y Rayza Blanco me prepararon excelente para mi corte finalExcelente firma los recomiendo!!!
Mena H.
00:24 03 Jul 24
I cannot recommend Fayad Law enough! The whole firm, most notably Attorney Aida was timely, professional, and thoughtful throughout our whole engagement. Attorney Aida went out of the way to always get back to us and make sure we understood our options and next steps. We had switched law firms multiple times and this was by far our best experience. Our consideration ultimately got solved and we could not have done this without the counsel of attorney Aida. I should also note how great it was to deal with Oscar at the firm. I highly recommend this firm, you will not regret it!
ajmal S.
18:25 23 May 24
It was great to work with Fayad Law for a petition. They have been very cooperative, responsive and supportive. Also, they have great expertise in dealing with difficult legal issues related to immigration petitions. I recommend them to be an immigration law firm that you can rely on.
bill P.
15:33 17 May 24
Thank God that we used the service of Fayad law office, my wife could not handle the officer interview by herself , Ma Aida Farahani presence ( The Lawyer) was very helpful and important helping my wife during the whole interview , we shall always recommend Fayad law Office service to anyone who has a case with the immigration and we are very sure they will handle it with care and professionalism to get the best positive results
22:06 02 May 24
Thanks a lot for your great efforts.
Deema A.
03:44 25 Apr 24
They are the best team to work with they did a great job, I got my citizenship through them. Omnia and Aida work so hard with meThank you so much Fayad Law!You are the best!
Helene D.
22:42 12 Mar 24
Thanks to Fayad Law firm I got my naturalization. The team is very caring, attentive to all the details and advises as much as possible. Thank you for your help.
15:41 12 Mar 24
احلى خدمات معاكم شكراً لكم
Izzy T.
15:31 12 Mar 24
Great experience
Christine A.
19:20 01 Mar 24
I would like to thank to all Fayad Law, PC team that helped me during my green card process. They were very knowledgeable and helpful. I had an outstanding experience. I recommend Fayad Law attorney services. I can’t thank enough how I appreciate your hard work to make everything done successfully. ( Oscar, Aida, valeria) you guys are amazing…!! Thank you.
Jafer K.
13:02 11 Feb 24
I am beyond impressed with Fayad Law! Their professionalism, expertise, and dedication to their clients are truly exceptional. From the initial consultation to the final resolution, their team provided top-notch service and support. Their attention to detail, thorough understanding of the law, and strategic approach resulted in a successful outcome for my case. I cannot recommend Fayad Law highly enough – they truly stand out as the best of the best! If you’re seeking outstanding legal representation, look no further!With Fayad Law, I am US citizenship now 🇺🇸
15:26 09 Feb 24
I am so happy with Fayad Law.We worked with them regarding Green cards for parents.Aida and Oscar are excellent, professional, knowledgeable, ready to follow up and response with great and on time advise.I recommend them to everyone.Thank you again Aida and Oscar
hind M.
08:39 07 Dec 23
Great services Fayad Law was really helpful throughout my husband Immigrant application process.Thanks again to you all.
Joseph G.
15:07 23 Oct 23
Aida and Oscar were magnificent to us ! Always available! Step – by – step assistance. We truly felt they cared about us and our situation. Never once did they give us erroneous advice or information. The process is long and requires detailed compliance and completeness- Aida and Oscar guided us through it all AND continuously gave us HOPE for a successful outccome! An outcome we achieved!!!!!!!!!!
Mo H.
08:52 16 Sep 23
I recently had the privilege of working with Dariel Cancel, and I can’t express how grateful I am for his outstanding legal expertise and dedication to my case. From start to finish, Dariel demonstrated an unparalleled level of professionalism, knowledge, and genuine care for his clients.Dariel’s attention to detail is truly remarkable. He meticulously examined every aspect of my case, leaving no stone unturned. His ability to explain complex legal concepts in a clear and understandable manner made me feel confident and informed throughout the entire process.One of the things that stood out the most during my experience with Dariel was his unwavering commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for his clients. He went above and beyond to advocate for my rights and interests, and his courtroom skills are truly impressive.Moreover, Dariel Cancel and his team provided exceptional communication and support. They promptly answered my questions, kept me updated on the progress of my case, and made me feel like a valued client every step of the way.I am thrilled to say that with Dariel’s expertise, my case had a successful outcome. I couldn’t have asked for a better attorney to represent me. If you are in need of legal services and want someone who is not only a great lawyer but also a compassionate advocate, I wholeheartedly recommend Dariel Cancel. He is a true professional who is dedicated to achieving the best results for his clients. Thank you, Dariel, for your outstanding work!
Nona M.
01:50 30 Jul 23
Maria M.
02:00 22 Jul 23
Oscar and team helped me through process my case in limited time. They were very helpful, especially Oscar he’s very attention to the detail, he worked above and beyond and he called me as soon as the office receive my greencard. Thank you Oscar and team!
Maria M.
23:37 10 Jul 23
I had an exceptional experience with Fayad Law, P.C. and attorney Aida Farahani. Aida and her team of paralegals, especially Oscar and Mariana, were incredibly kind, helpful and quick to respond to emails. They provided excellent support throughout the entire process of my mother’s naturalization application, including the interview. Aida’s professionalism and reassurance, combined with the dedication and efficiency of her paralegals, made the journey smooth and stress-free. One thing that truly stood out was their clear communication regarding what we could expect at each step of the process. I highly recommend Fayad Law, Aida Farahani, and her amazing team for all immigration related matters. Thank you for your exceptional service.
Ali A
20:53 30 Jun 23
Very helpful and excellent lawyer. He worked very hard to win my asylum case and he showed confidence and experience. The best Lawyer!
Ahmed A.
15:03 30 Jun 23
I had the privilege of witnessing my brother’s triumphant asylum case, and I attribute much of his success to the remarkable skills of Dariel, his immigration lawyer. Dariel’s exceptional attention to detail, unwavering professionalism, patience, and punctuality were instrumental in securing a favorable outcome. I highly recommend Dariel’s services to anyone in need of an outstanding immigration lawyer.
Adnan H
22:17 15 Jun 23
Working with Attorney Dariel Cancel was the best choice I made. Not only was he diligent and thorough throughout the entirety of my time with him, but his hard work led to success in my case today. I am grateful that I found this firm and had the privilege of working with such a bright and exceptional attorney. I truly believe his future is looking bright with all his successes. I highly recommend working with Fayad Law and entrusting Attorney Dariel Cancel with your case.
Ariela A.
23:02 24 May 23
excellent service. very good lawyer dariel cancel
Rubi M.
13:48 28 Apr 23
Son una firma de abogados profesionales y que recomiendo realmente me ayudaron a ganar mi caso. Ellos están muy bien informados en los temas siempre los. recomendare
phop D.
16:59 24 Apr 23
Aida Farahani And Oscar are the Best helpers best service thank you
dorsa J.
12:20 03 Apr 23
Aida is the best , I highly recommended her . She is very knowledgeable. I had such a great experience with her . She helped me with applying for green card and K1 visa.
Rizwan C.
02:24 22 Mar 23
Fayad Law, P.C. has a very knowledgeable team.Mr. Nash Fayad, Aida Farahani, and Oscar Herrera handled my case very professionally and with great attention to detail.Based on my experience, Fayad Law is a HIGHLY recommended immigration law firm.
ali A.
13:31 16 Mar 23
Aida Farahani and Oscar Herrera they are the best immigration lawyers in the market right know they are working with Fayad low
Yaritza S.
13:07 09 Mar 23
Es un abogado muy profesional
Ali A.
20:54 01 Feb 23
I highly recommend this place! They have an amazing legal team that provided an outstanding effort and care throughout the entire process. Thank you!
Marines C.
14:48 01 Feb 23
Working with Fayad Law has been the best experience anyone can have. Everyone was exceedingly professional, reliable and punctual to say the least. If I ever need immigration lawyers again, Fayad Law will be my choice!
Eyad W.
22:18 19 Dec 22
Thank you so much Oscar and Aida !
Jumana N.
12:24 04 Sep 22
I really recommended Fayad law team!Mr.Aida did Amazing job with my case!I’m so lucky that i was one of your clients!😍thanks for you and for the team who was working on my case!!
Moudy L.
21:57 12 Jan 22
To the point, great law office, friendlyThank u everyone
Andrey K.
19:01 22 Dec 21
Stellar immigration firm. Had a very pleasant experience, had multiple cases handled by Fayad Law and they were responsive, knowledgeable and effective. Especially Mrs Dosmanova – highly recommend to work with this attorney, speaks multiple languages too
Haya S.
19:01 22 Dec 21
I’m very happy to work with Ms. Ektrena she helped me a lot through out my case, I would Thank her very much 🙂
Alex Z.
19:01 22 Dec 21
Fayad law its a great firm very professional they made a great job With my case.
19:01 22 Dec 21
This review is being written after a phone consultation with Mr. Fayad. Mr. Fayad is a well-informed and caring person who tries his best to help his clients and lead them down the right path. His staff are understanding and polite, as they helped me with an issue concerning the timing of the consultation as well as followed-up after to ensure if I missed anything or needed any further help with my legal issue.Overall, I recommend Mr. Fayad for anyone who needs legal advice or help.
19:01 22 Dec 21
This review is specific for the front desk. The first face who greets you is Estaphania. She always has a smile and greets you warmly genuinely. She is attentive and seems like one who enjoys what she does.I can’t rate the legal work yet because I just signed my contract with Mr. Fayyad and am hoping for the best.
Hany F.
19:01 22 Dec 21
I dealt with Ingy Girgis and she was beyond expectation in all matters , staff in the office are very helpful and cooperative. I realy recommend Fayad law office
Ashraf H.
19:01 22 Dec 21
The best one ever, great mindset, very clever

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